Over the past days, people in Laos’ southernmost province of Attapeu are leading an extremely difficult life as a result of a collapsed hydropower dam. With a tradition of solidarity, mutual affection and assistance, “the healthy leaves cover the torn ones”, “help people in need” - Petrolimex Laos has called for its whole staff to give a helping hand to people in the Attapeu area to enable them to soon overcome difficulties and stabilise their life.
In response to the appeal, Petrolimex Laos’ leaders, managers, and all employees contributed money and clothes whereas the company bought fresh water and dried provisions to directly hand over to the affected people.
Petrolimex Laos wants to share with them losses, and material and spiritual damage to help them soon get back to their normal life.
Previously,Petrolimex Laosmade an announcement of its supply of free fuel for vehicles that joined in rescue operations in the areawhen the vehicles fill up their tank atthe company’s petrol stations in southeastern Laos.
Petrolimex Laos’ staff and rescue forces
Clothes and essential commodities are to be transported to people in affected area